IMG-20220110-WA0054 (1) 1
Manager - Product Marketing
Updated On Jul 31, 2024
Duration 5 mins read

One-Time Passwords (OTPs) are the gatekeepers to our digital lives, protecting everything from bank accounts to social media profiles. But what if the very channel used to deliver these codes – SMS – is compromised? A surge in SMS phishing attacks is leaving consumers vulnerable, eroding their trust in this once-reliable method. Brands are also feeling the heat, as OTP fraud not only leads to financial losses but also tarnishes their reputation. 

This crisis demands a solution that’s both secure and user-friendly. Enter Rich Communication Services (RCS), a modern messaging protocol designed to address the shortcomings of SMS. With RCS, brands can deliver OTPs in a way that’s not only more secure but also enhances the user experience and strengthens brand image. 
Let’s explore why RCS is the future of OTP delivery.  

What is OTP on RCS? 

OTP on RCS is similar to sending OTPs via SMS, but with a significant security and user experience upgrade. Delivered directly within the user’s native messaging app, RCS features protect users, offer an interactive experience, strengthen brand image and recall, and nurture customer trust and combat fraud. 

By leveraging its features, OTP on RCS empowers users to confidently identify and engage with legitimate messages from their trusted brands. This heightened sense of security translates to a smoother, more positive user experience, ultimately benefiting both the customer and the brand. 

Sending OTP on SMS vs. RCS: A Head-to-Head Comparison

Benefits of Sending OTP on RCS 

RCS isn’t just a marginal improvement over SMS; it’s a game-changer for brands seeking to fortify security, elevate user experience, and bolster brand image. Here’s how: 

  • Enhanced Security: RCS’s verified sender, end-to-end encryption significantly reduce the risk of fraud. This translates to fewer financial losses, fewer account takeovers, and a stronger sense of security for both your brand and your customers. 
  • Improved User Experience: The seamless delivery within the native messaging app, clean interface, and interactive elements of RCS OTPs creates a frictionless experience for users. This can lead to higher completion rates for transactions or registrations, as users are less likely to abandon the process due to frustration or confusion. 
  • Increased Brand Trust: The verified sender checkmark and the ability to incorporate branding elements into OTP messages foster a sense of trust and legitimacy. This strengthens your brand image and reassures customers that they are interacting with the real you, not an imposter. 
  • Valuable Insights: Unlike SMS, RCS provides detailed analytics on OTP delivery, open rates, and engagement. This data allows you to identify areas for improvement and optimize your overall authentication strategy. 
  • Cost-Effective: While the upfront cost of implementing RCS might seem higher than SMS, the long-term benefits in terms of reduced fraud, improved user experience, and increased brand trust can far outweigh the initial investment. 

In essence, RCS empowers brands to transform OTP delivery from just a mundane security measure into a strategic tool for building customer trust, improving engagement, and driving business growth. 

Use Cases for OTP on RCS 

The versatility of OTP on RCS makes it a powerful tool for a wide range of applications across various industries. Here are some key use cases where RCS can elevate the OTP experience:

Financial Services: 

  • Transaction Authentication: Securely authorize financial transactions, such as money transfers, bill payments, and online purchases. The added security of RCS helps prevent fraud and instills confidence in customers. 
  • Account Access: Verify login attempts, password resets, and other account-related actions to protect sensitive financial information. 
  • Card Activation: Send OTPs for activating new credit or debit cards, ensuring a smooth and secure onboarding process. 


  • Purchase Confirmation: Verify online orders and prevent unauthorized purchases, reducing the risk of chargebacks and disputes. 
  • Delivery Notifications: Provide secure and timely delivery updates with OTP verification to ensure packages reach the intended recipient. 


  • Appointment Confirmation: Send secure appointment confirmation with OTP verification to reduce no-shows and improve patient communication. 
  • Prescription Refills: Authorize prescription refills with OTPs to enhance medication adherence and patient safety. 
  • Telemedicine Consultations: Verify patient identity and secure sensitive health information during virtual consultations. 

Travel & Hospitality: 

  • Booking Confirmations: Verify travel bookings and reservations with OTPs to prevent fraudulent activities and ensure a smooth travel experience. 
  • Check-in/Check-out: Enable secure and contactless check-in/check-out processes at hotels and airports. 
  • Loyalty Programs: Link OTPs to loyalty programs to personalize offers and rewards, enhancing customer engagement. 

The Dotgo Advantage: The RichOTP® API 

Dotgo’s RichOTP® API leverages the power of RCS to provide a secure and enhanced OTP delivery experience. Here’s how RichOTP® can benefit your brand: 

  • Enhanced Security & Branding: RichOTP® enables you to create branded OTP messages, enhancing the user experience and reinforcing your brand identity.  
  • Seamless Fallback to SMS: In cases where RCS is not available, RichOTP® automatically falls back to SMS, ensuring that your customers receive their OTPs regardless of their device or network conditions. 
  • Improved Completion Rates and Cost Savings: RichOTP® improves OTP completion rates by up to 10% and reduces costs associated with OTP delivery. 
  • Global Delivery with the RichOTP® Agent: By using the common “RichOTP®” agent, your OTPs can be delivered instantly to users worldwide, simplifying the global deployment of your OTP system. 
  • In-App Approval: Users can conveniently approve OTPs directly within their messaging app, streamlining the verification process. 

Dotgo’s RichOTP® API provides a comprehensive solution for delivering OTPs securely and efficiently over RCS, with features that enhance security, user experience, and brand trust. And if you care about your customers and enriching their OTP experience with your brand, then contact us today.