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Manager - Product Marketing
Updated On Sep 4, 2024
Duration 8 mins read

Not hearing about Rich Communication Services (RCS) is next to impossible. With over a billion monthly active users globally and Apple joining in with iOS 18 in fall, RCS is not only here to stay but flourish.  

Users now want seamless & immersive interactions from brands and RCS has been delivering it, skyrocketing read rates, engagements, and open rates. And with Apple’s upcoming support in iOS 18 presents an unprecedented opportunity for businesses to elevate their customer engagement right in the users’ native messaging app. 

So, if you are still unaware of RCS, then this blog is for you especially with the global RCS user base to go beyond 2 billion users. Read on to know the different types of RCS message types that businesses can leverage to deliver an interactive customer experience in the user’s SMS inbox. 

There are 3 types of RBM messages.

Basic Messages 
Basic messages serve as the entry point into the world of RCS, offering a familiar yet enhanced communication channel. In essence, they provide a bridge between traditional SMS and the feature-rich RCS environment, making them an ideal starting point for businesses venturing into RCS. 

Key Characteristics of Basic Messages: 

  • Simplicity: Basic messages closely resemble SMS in terms of structure and content. They are primarily text-based, with a character limit of 160 characters per message. 
  • Enhanced Delivery: While similar to SMS, basic messages are automatically ‘upgraded’ to RCS on compatible devices. This means that even if your customer’s device doesn’t support RCS, they will still receive your message as a standard SMS, ensuring your message reaches its intended recipient. 
  • Verified Sender Profile: Unlike SMS, which can be susceptible to spoofing, Basic RCS messages come from a verified sender profile. This adds a layer of trust and authenticity to your communications, reassuring customers that the message is indeed from your brand. 
  • URL Previews: While concise, basic messages can include URL previews, offering a glimpse into the linked content and encouraging click-throughs. 

Use Cases for Basic Messages:  

  • Time-sensitive notifications: One-time passwords, appointment reminders, delivery updates. 
  • Concise announcements: Limited-time offers, flash sales, event notifications. 
  • Transactional updates: Order confirmations, shipping notifications, payment reminders. 

Benefits for Businesses: 

  • Seamless Transition: Leverage your existing SMS infrastructure and APIs to send Basic RCS messages, minimizing the need for extensive technical overhauls. 
  • Enhanced Brand Trust: Verified sender profiles and branded messages establish credibility and foster customer confidence. 
  • Wider Reach: Automatic fallback to SMS ensures your message gets delivered, even on devices that don’t yet support RCS. 
  • Increased Engagement: URL previews and branded messaging can drive higher click-through rates and customer interactions compared to traditional SMS. 

Rich Messages 

While Basic messages offer a solid foundation for RCS communication, Single Rich messages take customer engagement to new heights. These messages empower brands to go beyond plain text, incorporating a variety of multimedia elements that captivate and inspire action. 

Key Characteristics of Rich Messages: 

  • Rich Media Integration: Embed images, videos, GIFs, and other visual content directly into your messages. 
  • Interactive Elements: Include buttons, carousels, and quick reply options to encourage immediate customer interaction. 
  • Extended Character Limit: Craft longer, more detailed messages with an expanded character limit of 2000 characters compared to Basic messages. 
  • Branded and Verified: Maintain a consistent and trustworthy brand presence with verified sender profiles and custom branding options. 

Use Cases for Rich Messages:  

  • Product Showcases: Highlight new products or promotions with visually appealing images and descriptions. 
  • Event Invitations: Create eye-catching invitations with event details, images, and RSVP buttons. 
  • Personalized Offers: Deliver tailored recommendations and promotions based on customer preferences. 
  • Appointment Reminders: Include appointment details, location maps, and calendar integration options. 
  • Interactive Surveys: Gather customer feedback with embedded polls and surveys. 

Benefits for Businesses: 

  • Elevated Customer Experience: Create immersive and engaging experiences that stand out from traditional SMS. 
  • Increased Conversions: Drive immediate response with clear calls-to-action and interactive elements. 
  • Improved Brand Recall: Reinforce your brand identity with visually rich and consistent messaging. 
  • Enhanced Personalization: Deliver targeted content and offers based on customer data and preferences. 
  • Effortless Implementation: Leverage existing SMS infrastructure and APIs with minimal backend modifications. 

Conversational Messages 

Conversational messages are where the true potential of RCS shines, transforming transactional messaging into dynamic, interactive dialogues. These two-way conversations enable brands to establish personalized connections with customers, provide real-time support, and drive conversions directly within the messaging app. 

Understanding RCS Conversations

  • Two-Way Communication: Unlike one-way messages, conversational messages allow for back-and-forth interactions between brands and customers. 
  • Brand-Initiated (A2P): Triggered when a customer responds to a Basic or Single Rich message within 24 hours. 
  • User-Initiated (P2A): Initiated by the customer reaching out to the brand directly. 
  • 24-Hour Session-Based Pricing: Conversations are billed per 24-hour session rather than per message, offering cost-effectiveness for extended interactions. 
  • Feature-Rich: Unlock the full suite of RCS features, including rich cards, carousels, file sharing, suggested replies, and more. 

Use Cases for RCS Conversations: 

  • Customer Support: Provide real-time assistance, answer questions, and resolve issues directly within the messaging app. 
  • Personalized Recommendations: Offer tailored product suggestions based on customer preferences and browsing history. 
  • Lead Nurturing: Guide potential customers through the sales funnel with personalized messaging and relevant information. 
  • Appointment Scheduling: Enable customers to book appointments or consultations directly within the conversation. 
  • Interactive Surveys & Feedback: Gather valuable insights with engaging surveys and polls. 

Benefits for Businesses: 

  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Foster deeper connections and build lasting relationships through interactive conversations. 
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: Provide timely and personalized support, leading to higher satisfaction levels. 
  • Increased Conversions: Guide customers seamlessly through the buyer journey, reducing friction and boosting sales. 
  • Valuable Data Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of customer preferences and behavior through conversational interactions. 
  • Competitive Advantage: Stand out from the competition by offering a superior customer experience. 

Choosing the Right RCS Message Type: A Strategic Approach 

Selecting the most suitable RCS message type for your business requires careful consideration of several factors. Let’s explore how these parameters influence your decision-making process: 

  1. Cost: 
    • Basic and Single Rich Messages: Typically charged per message sent or received. Suitable for campaigns with controlled message volume or one-way communication.

    • Conversational Messages: Charged per 24-hour session, making them cost-effective for extended interactions and customer support scenarios.
  2. Your Customers: 
    • Transactional Updates: Basic messages are ideal for delivering concise, time-sensitive information. 

    • Engaging Promotions: Rich messages are perfect for showcasing products, offers, and events with visual appeal. Personalized Support: Conversational messages enable real-time assistance and tailored recommendations.
  3. Your Campaign Goals: 
    • Brand Awareness: Basic and Rich messages effectively increase visibility and reach. 

    • Lead Generation: Interactive elements in Rich messages and conversational capabilities encourage customer engagement and data collection.

    • Customer Retention: Conversational messages foster loyalty through personalized support and relationship building. 
  4. Seamless Integration: 
    • Basic Messages: The easiest to integrate, especially if you’re already using SMS infrastructure. They require minimal backend adjustments and offer a smooth transition to RCS. 

    • Rich Messages: Relatively easy to implement, with some backend modifications needed to handle rich media and interactive elements. Conversational Messages: Require more extensive backend integration to manage two-way conversations and leverage advanced RCS features. 
  5. Omnichannel Approach: 
    • Seamless Integration: Combine RCS with other messaging channels like WhatsApp and email to create a cohesive customer experience. 

    • Leverage Existing Investments: If you’re already using WhatsApp Business API, consider adding conversational RCS messages to expand your reach. 

    • Tailored Experiences: Use different message types across channels based on customer preferences and campaign objectives. 

With Apple’s imminent adoption of RCS, the stage is set for a monumental shift in business messaging. The convergence of a massive user base, enhanced features, and seamless integration within native messaging apps presents an unparalleled opportunity for brands to connect with customers on a deeper level. 

Dotgo has been at the forefront of RCS solution development right from the start, recognizing the immense potential and the unique challenges it presents for various stakeholders in the ecosystem. Our RCS platforms are designed to empower: 

  • Telcos: Expand your service offerings, enhance customer experiences, and drive revenue growth by seamlessly incorporating RCS into your existing infrastructure. 
  • Aggregators & ISVs: Now offer RCS messaging as one of the brand-customer communication channels or use the same to communicate with your customer, leveraging our robust APIs to create customized RCS experiences that meet your clients’ specific needs. 

Equip your clients with the tools and expertise to harness the power of RCS, enabling them to achieve their business objectives and stay ahead of the curve. Our platform is built to handle the high volume and increasing demand for RCS, ensuring your business is equipped to meet the evolving needs of your customers.  With Dotgo, you can deliver exceptional RCS experiences that foster engagement, build loyalty, and drive conversions. 

Schedule a free consultation with our RCS experts today. We’ll guide you through the possibilities, discuss your specific requirements, and demonstrate how Dotgo can help you achieve your RCS goals